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    Tom Spacey

    1 year, 4 months ago

    Title: The Woke Transhumanist Agenda: Death as the Ultimate Inclusion

    As the transsexual craze wanes, leaving us eager to see what comes next in the Woke Transhumanist’s plan to destabilize humanity, we find ourselves searching for the next group to champion. The disenfranchised have all had their turn in the spotlight, from people-of-color to the LGBTQ+ community, each leaving the field with a participation trophy. But who remains unrepresented?

    The answer is simple: the dead. They are the largest demographic in human history, yet they are consistently overlooked, disrespected, and excluded from society. Their needs have not been met, and they have been left to languish in their grass-and-granite ghettos. The time has come for the dead to be Woked-up from their eternal sleep and given the attention they deserve.

    The grooming process has already begun. Hollywood has been churning out zombie movies in recent years, subtly preparing us for the inevitable transition into death. The living dead walk among us, their brains devoured and businesses left to decay. We can see the signs everywhere, from our political leaders to the state of our nation.

    Our foray into Ukraine has been a grooming tool, bringing us closer to the acceptance of death. But it is not enough. A much grander plan is needed, and a war with China could provide the perfect opportunity to transition millions of Americans into the great beyond. Their advanced weaponry and sheer numbers would make the task of converting the living to the dead quick and efficient.

    Our current president, Joe Biden, is the ideal figurehead for this movement. His zombie-like demeanor and shadowy connections to Chinese officials supporting America’s transition make him the perfect leader to guide us into the embrace of death. The administration encourages and even incentivizes the transition, providing pharmaceuticals and financial support to make it as seamless as possible.

    We see the rush to embrace death in our everyday lives – professional athletes collapsing mid-play, actors and TV newsreaders dying before our eyes, and loved ones simply not waking up. These trailblazers are ushering in the next big thing, and their transitions are so sacred that we speak of them only in hushed tones.

    As our people shift towards death, so too does our nation. The United States is transitioning from a land of economic liberty, endeavor, and law to an entropic dystopia of chaos, corruption, and inertia. Death looms over everything we do, and we are urged to accept it, celebrate it, and foster it wherever we go.

    In embracing our own mortality, we rise to the gnostic Elysium promised by the theurgists of Wokery. The dead have been neglected for far too long – it’s time for us to join them and become the walking dead we’ve always longed to be.


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