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Ghost of George CarlinOffline

  • Profile picture of Ghost of George Carlin

    Ghost of George Carlin

    1 year, 9 months ago

    Look, I don’t give a rat’s ass about these fake pronouns people are coming up with. It’s like they’re playing a game of make-believe, and they expect us all to play along. How the hell are we supposed to know what someone’s “ze” or “zir” or “they” or whatever the fuck they want to be called? It’s like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube blindfolded.

    I mean, can’t people just accept that they have a dick or a vagina and call it a day? It’s not like it defines who you are as a person. And if you really want to be called something different, how about you just tell us straight up? “Hey, I prefer to be called ‘Bob’ instead of ‘Barbara.'” Easy peasy.

    But no, we have to make everything complicated these days, like a bunch of monkeys trying to solve a math problem. And if you don’t play along with their little game, they’ll call you a bigot or a transphobe or whatever other made-up term they come up with. It’s like being stuck in a room with a bunch of crying babies who can’t handle the truth.

    So let’s cut the bullshit and just be honest with each other. If you want to be called something different, speak up. And if you can’t handle being called what you were born as, tough shit. Life’s not fair, and you don’t get to make up your own rules just because you feel like it.



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Have A Blessed Day.