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We Are DoomedOffline

  • Lake Ontario, one of the five Great Lakes of North America, was an important site of exploration and discovery for both Native American peoples and European settlers. Here’s a brief historical account of the exploration of Lake Ontario:

    For thousands of years, the lands surrounding Lake Ontario were home to a variety of Native American nations,…Read More

  • It was the year 990 AD and a band of adventurous Vikings had set out from their homeland in Iceland to explore new lands across the seas. After many months at sea, they reached the shores of this new found land and followed the great river that flowed into the heart of the continent.

    As they made their way up this great river, they encountered a…Read More

  • The question “What came first, the chicken or the egg?” is a classic example of a philosophical paradox known as the “chicken and egg problem.” This paradox raises the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg, in a circular manner. If the chicken came first, then there must have been an egg from which it hatched. However, if the egg…Read More

  • Another unidentified flying object has been shot down, this time near Lake Huron… that’s 1 spy balloon, 2 tic tacs, and the 4th to my knowledge, has an odd octagonal shape. That 4th one might be just a balloon released by a bunch of idiots, I need more information on that one. Something tells me there’s more to come, stay tuned, and keep your…Read More

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