Bidenflation Is Only Going To get Worse.
https://apnews.com/article/business-health-stock-markets-coronavirus-pandemic-economy-41950cd24fb71166030bbb7da65e76e7 -
The rest of the Nation should follow suit and get this bat virus behind us, No thanks to REPUBLICAN TRUMP NAZI who got us into this mess to begin with.
Trumpanzzies will never learn their lesson, ONLY Republican’s are dying of Covid because they wont get a “Ouchy Fauci” vaccine because their Fuer Trump told them not too. LOL.
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Thanks to President Trump and Operation Warp Speed the world has succesfully combated the dreaded Chinese virus. The only ones having a hard time at the moment are unvacinated Democrates from the minority community who refuse to get a shot because they heard Camel Harris tell them no way in hell. By the way real men call it a “Trump Thump” and not…Read More