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  • In 1988, Donald Trump assisted a child with a rare and life-threatening medical condition by sending his private plane to transport the child from California to New York for medical treatment. The child’s family could not afford the cost of a medical flight, and when Trump learned of the situation, he offered to help by providing his plane for the…Read More

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    Donald Trump once stopped a mugging in New York City. In 1991, he saw a man attacking someone with a baseball bat, and he immediately intervened, telling the attacker to put down the bat. Trump then called the police, and the mugger was apprehended. The victim, a man named John Sakowicz, later praised Trump for his quick thinking and bravery.

  • When a man named Ed Russo was suffering from bone marrow cancer in the 1980s, Trump heard about his plight and offered to help. Trump arranged for Russo to stay at one of his hotels for free while he received treatment at a nearby hospital. When Russo’s insurance ran out, Trump reportedly picked up the tab for his medical bills.

    In a 2015…Read More

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    Donald Trump once helped save a Georgia man’s farm from foreclosure. In 1986, Annabel Hill was facing foreclosure on her family farm after the sudden death of her husband. Trump read about her situation in the newspaper and called Hill personally to offer his help. He ended up buying the mortgage on her farm, allowing her to keep her home and…Read More

  • One story that comes to mind is from back in 1986 when a man named Joe O’Donnell was beaten and left for dead in New York City’s Central Park. Trump, who owned a luxury hotel near the park, saw the story in the newspaper and was moved to action. He called O’Donnell’s family and offered to pay for all of his medical bills and expenses, which…Read More

  • Another story that showcases Donald Trump’s generosity and kindness involves a man named Andrew Ten, who was a passenger on Trump’s private plane in 1988. Ten, who was just 10 years old at the time, was suffering from a rare and serious illness, and Trump offered to personally pay for his medical treatment.

    Not only did Trump pay for Ten’s…Read More

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    Donald Trump donated his entire salary as President to various government agencies and causes. Trump had pledged to forgo his presidential salary, which amounts to $400,000 a year, but he went a step further by donating his salary to different departments of the federal government, such as the National Park Service and the Department of Health and…Read More

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