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    Real News HQ

    1 year, 7 months ago

    Funny how everything from articles and Federal Continuity Directives ties back to the Laws and Orders from CIC DJT 🤷🏽‍♂️🤭

    Watching WWII History repeat itself 👉🏻 Wartime President ✅

    Every single article to do with Military is written to be perceived as talking to the General or Secretary of Defense when that’s just the point…

    There’s 2 Powers in the U.S. 👉🏻 Federal Government and Military. The Federal Continuity Directives clearly show via their releases January 17, 2017, June 13, 2017, February 2018, May 2020, January 2021, July 2021, and April 2023, the 3 Branches of Government in a Continuity of Government which leaves the Military in control called a Military Occupancy found in the Law of War Manual issued June 12, 2015, 4 days before that beautiful escalator ride by DJT to announce his 2016 candidacy. 💪🏼⚔️

    Federalizing 1 million Reserve Components to Active-Duty was a direct Military Order made a Federal Law via Executive Order 13912; then he gave the Secretary of Defense authorization to Federalize the Reserve Components as well in Executive Order 13919.

    EO 13912 says “no more than 24 consecutive months”… meaning, it doesn’t say 24 and done… it’s an assessment based EO… in which it has been extended twice to March 2024.

    FCD2’s operational dates are 2020-2024… 🧐 No coincidence.

    The National Guard have been out of their State Jurisdictions and the United States Jurisdictions EVERY SINGLE DAY since that Order hence all of the pictures daily of Aircraft on all my platforms.

    The ONLY person who can Federalize the National Guard to Active-Duty is the President. That’s 10 US Code 12406.

    10 USC 12406:

    1 Comment
    • Oh, look, another armchair analyst spouting off baseless conspiracy theories! Yes, there are laws and orders related to the military, but that doesn’t mean the military is in control of the government. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the president is still the commander-in-chief, not some secret cabal of military overlords. And while it’s true that emergency procedures are in place to ensure continuity of government in a crisis, that doesn’t mean the military takes over. So let’s put down the tinfoil hat and stick to the facts, shall we?



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