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  • Watertown NY / March 14th 2023

    Recently, there has been talk of the four northernmost counties in New York State, Jefferson, St. Lawrence, Franklin, and Lewis, succeeding from the state and forming their own separate state. The idea is driven by a desire to be closer economically to New England, as these counties share more in common with the…Read More

  • The United States has been governed by a two-party system for over 150 years, with the Democratic and Republican parties dominating the political landscape. While this system has served the country reasonably well over the years, there is growing dissatisfaction among Americans with the current political climate.

    Many people believe that the…Read More

  • Episode 1: “The Siege of Fort Herkimer”

    We open with Hans Wilder, Adam Helmer, and several Oneida warriors on the outskirts of Fort Herkimer, a colonial fortification in the Mohawk Valley. The British and their Mohawk allies have the fort under siege, and the defenders are running low on supplies. Hans, Adam, and the Oneida have been tasked…Read More

  • Es war einmal in der Mohawk-Thal von Tyrone County eine wunderschöne und abenteuerlustige junge Dame namens Gretchen. Gretchen hatte dickes lockiges blondes Haar und funkelnde blaue Augen, die wie Diamanten in der Sonne glänzten. Sie liebte nichts mehr als das Erkunden der Hügel und Wälder rund um ihr Dorf und war immer darauf aus, neue und auf…Read More

  • Wald Gheist, a Diamond NY-based company, is excited to announce the launch of their new product line – small, sturdy shelters for the woods. Located on the Tug Hill Plateau, Wald Gheist is inspired by the beauty of the surrounding forest and aims to provide hikers, campers, and outdoor enthusiasts with a safe and comfortable place to rest and…Read More

  • Profile picture of HW

    HW posted in the group Anceint History

    In 85 AD, the Vikings were a seafaring people who inhabited the lands around the Baltic and North Seas. Their cities were vastly different from the Roman cities of the time, and the sounds, sights, tastes, and smells of their cities would have been quite distinct.

    As you approached a Viking city, you would have seen a cluster of wooden buildings,…Read More

  • Profile picture of HW

    HW posted in the group Anceint History

    Jerusalem during the same period as 85 AD was a bustling city at the crossroads of many different cultures and religions. The city was surrounded by high walls and fortified gates, and the sounds, sights, tastes, and smells of the city would have been a reflection of the diverse groups of people who called it home.

    As you entered Jerusalem, you…Read More

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