And That’s The Way It Is; Wednesday July 21st 2021.
https://www.the-sun.com/news/3325141/harvey-weinstein-not-guilty-charges-los-angeles/ -
West Of The Rockies, Your On The Line:
Police officer calls for backup after “being pursued by a drone” which was actually just the planet Jupiter.
https://notthebee.com/article/police-officer-calls-for-backup-after-being-pursued-by-drone-which-was-actually-just-jupiter -
Dems Blast Bezos Space Trip; Demand he pay taxes… Penis-Shaped Rocket Launches Dr. Evil Comparisons… Tone-Deaf’ Victory Lap Thanking Workers for Pissing in Bottles and Shoppers for being being Tools & Foot-Stools As Break Though China Delta Variant reeks Havoc…
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