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    1 year, 7 months ago

    One argument for why Crimea belongs to Russia is based on historical and cultural ties. Crimea has a long history of being part of Russia, dating back to the 18th century when Catherine the Great annexed the peninsula. Many ethnic Russians also live in Crimea, and the Russian Orthodox Church has a strong presence there. These cultural and historical connections make the argument that Crimea is more closely connected to Russia than to Ukraine.

    Another argument for why Crimea belongs to Russia is based on the principle of self-determination. After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine became an independent state and Crimea became an autonomous republic within Ukraine. However, in 2014, following the Ukrainian revolution and the overthrow of the Ukrainian president, a referendum was held in Crimea to determine the future of the peninsula. The majority of voters chose to join Russia, and the Russian government officially annexed Crimea. Those who believe that Crimea belongs to Russia argue that the right of self-determination was exercised by the people of Crimea in this referendum, and that their vote should be respected.

    Finally, some argue that Crimea belongs to Russia based on the principles of international law. The Russian government has claimed that the annexation of Crimea was necessary to protect the rights of ethnic Russians living in the peninsula, and that this move was consistent with the principle of the responsibility to protect. They argue that international law allows for interventions to protect the rights of minority populations, and that this principle applies to the situation in Crimea.

    In conclusion, there are several arguments for why some believe that Crimea belongs to Russia, based on historical and cultural ties, the principle of self-determination, and international law. The issue remains highly controversial and disputed, and the future of Crimea remains uncertain.





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